Anycubic Kossel Klipper installation


This guide will help you with Anycubic Kossel Klipper installation in easy steps.

One of disadvantages of a Anycubic Kossel delta printer is a poor computing power. This results in a poor wall surface and artifacts over your printed model while printing with higher speed and acceleration settings.

This problem can be solved with:
1) Raspberry + Klipper
2) More powerful board such as SKR 1.3 or Duet

Klipper is an amazing alternative to Marlin.
The biggest advantage over a standard Marlin + Trigorilla board is that the Raspberry takes care of all calculations and sends commands to the board. 
You can achieve much higher speeds and better results.

The reason why I did not choose just to change Trigorrila for a SKR board is that you can use OctoPrint advantages + quick FW changes with Klipper.

1. Make sure that you have completed these previous guides

Anycubic Kossel Octoprint installation

Requirements You will need to buy a Raspberry and get a USB cable to make it work.I recommend buying this set, because it has all you need. ALIEXPRESS CLICK HERE Or you can order just a board and get the ramaining parts elsewhere. ALIEXPRESS CLICK HERE ALIEXPRESS CLICK HERE 1. Download Octoprint First step is installing OctoPi which is a

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Anycubic Kossel Klipper configuration

This article will guide you through Anycubic Kossel Klipper configuration. Follow the steps and create your own configuration.Klipper uses printer.cfg configuration file which is something similar to Marlin configuration and configuration_adv files.This file can be easily modified with text editors, such as Pspad, or NotePad and uploaded to Raspberry via SFTP in Total Commander. This article is about stock setup

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Anycubic Kossel Klipper upload printer.cfg

It can be tricky, to upload a Klipper printer.cfg to a Raspberry for those, who have no experience with SFTP. This guide will tell you what you should install, use and how to do that. 1. Download and install Total Commander Go to the official Total Commander page and download version for your operating system. DOWNLOAD HERE 2. Install and download

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2. Connect to Raspberry via PuTTY and SSH

2.1. Make sure that everything is connected

The first step is connecting Raspberry to your network and power source.
Use a USB cable that arrived with your 3D printer and connect the 3D printer to your Raspberry.

2.2. Find the IP address

Launch Advanced Ip Scanner and enter your network segment.
It is ussually or
Click on Start and wait until the scan will finish.

Look for a Raspberry Pi Foundation Manufacturer and copy the IP address.

2.2. PuTTY session

Launch a PuTTy and go to Sessions.
Select SSH and insert copied IP address from the previous step.
Click on Open.

If you see a PuTTY Security Alert, just click on Yes.
This is caused by a missing cache in your registry – because it it the first time you have connected to your Rpi.

Login as user.
Insert default pi user name – pi, or the one that you use.

Type in your password, default password is: raspberry
Don’t be scared that you will not see the password, this is a Linux world.

You have successfully connected to the Raspberry with your login.

3. Klipper installation

Copy this command and insert it into the terminal with a right mouse click (ctrl + v usually does not work), also hit Enter after entering every command.
git clone

After the cloning is done, send this command:

Enter your password (default is raspberry) and hit Enter.

Wait cca 5-10 minutes until the Klipper service launches.

Now is the time to set up a FW for your board, in this case Trigorilla.
Send this command to mount Klipper directory:
cd ~/klipper/

Now is time to create configuration menu, send this command:
make menuconfig

After the make menuconfig command, this window will appear.
Now it is time to select your board.

For a Trigorilla stock board, navigate with arrows to a Micro-controller section, press Y. 
Select Atmega AVR and hit Enter.

If you have a SKR board, select LPC176x

Navigate to Processor type and select atmega2560 (Trigorilla board).
Trigorilla has a atmega2560 and hit Enter.

Press E to exit.

Confirm configuration by pressing Y or Enter.

After saving new configuration, you will see a standard terminal window.

Send this command:

3. Connect to OctoPrint

4. Double check your printer.cfg configuration file

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  1. Lukas,
    Install Complete. after lots of trial and error I have the mojority of the configuration file put together. I used the CFG file you gave me and corrected all the pin numbers per the pin out found here

    I connected the Probe to pin P0.10 (Please confirm if that is the correct pin)

    the following needs to be corrected. I get errors when it is in the firmware.

    [gcode_macro M300]
    gcode: SET_PIN PIN=BEEPER_pin VALUE={S}
    G4 P{P}

    [gcode_macro dcalibrate]

    [verify_heater heater_bed]
    check_gain_time: 500

    [verify_heater extruder]
    check_gain_time: 500
    max_error: 140

    Example of error:
    ” Option ‘default_parameter_s’ is not valid in section ‘gcode_macro m300’
    04:07:18 Option ‘default_parameter_s’ is not valid in section ‘gcode_macro m300’

    Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the “RESTART”
    command to reload the config and restart the host software.
    Printer is halted”

    Please advise so I can run Delta Caliberation with Z Probe.

    Thanks for your time.

    1. Hi Mario, great job!
      Just delete those macros.

      Those parameters are only for beeping and delays.
      You can still use the commands:

  2. Lukas,
    I changed my mind on the Duet Board because I couldn’t find enough info to create a config file for it since it was the original version. I ordered a SKR 1.4 Turbo (Couldn’t find a 1.3). I have a set of Eryone TMC2209 V3.0 Drivers. do I have to modify them the same as the Bigtreetech’s and remove one Pin? also I want to run Klipper. Do I follow the same guide for the Trigorilla besides the selection of board and processor in the make menuconfig?

      1. just followed the guides you gave me. on my board SKR 1.4 Turbo. do the X,Y,Z endstops and probe connect to the same place as the 1.3?

        Do you have a better CFG file that works? if i try and home or anything i get Option ‘rotation_distance’ in section ‘stepper_a’ must be specified

        Also The screen on the Printer shows no info.

      1. Thank you. I will follow that guide and install Marlin? Please Clarify try same drivers.
        Same that where on Trigorilla with the 3 pins removed (Biigtree TMC2209 V 1.2)?

        1. You can use the SKR Marlin guide for information how to use jumpers and what to do with the drivers.
          Continue to the FLY guide for Klipper instalation (just use the SKR configuration I sent you, or from official Klipper GIT repository)

  3. I have things working now for the most part. had to make some changes in the printer.cfg file. however now I am having an issue. the extruder does not respond to extrude or retract comands. I tried to print a calibration circle and right after it homes i get an error Unable to read tmc uart ‘extruder’ register IFCNT. please let me know what to do to fix this.

    1. Hi Mario,
      The issue si that there is no UART connection between your extruder stepper and motherboard.
      Are you sure tehe 2209 is in an UART mode and you have connected the UART pin properly?

      1. This was a working printer untill i installed new versions of OctoPrint OctoKlipper and reflashed firmware etc.. I will remove the bed and check wires incase something happend.

      2. Lukas,
        I tried a few things. none worked. I tried moving the drivers around and swaped wires. evrything works but the extruder. I swaped stepper motors and still nonthing. here is the cfg . do you see anything wrong?

        # This file contains a configuration for the Anycubic Kossel delta
        # printer from 2016.

        # The Anycubic delta printers use the TriGorilla board which is an
        # AVR ATmega2560 Arduino + RAMPS compatible board.
        # To use this config, the firmware should be compiled for the AVR atmega2560.

        # See docs/ for a description of parameters.

        pin: ^PD3
        z_offset: 16.35
        samples: 3
        speed: 5.0
        sample_retract_dist: 2

        step_pin: PF0
        dir_pin: PF1
        enable_pin: !PD7
        microsteps: 16
        rotation_distance: 40
        endstop_pin: ^PE4
        homing_speed: 20
        # The next parameter needs to be adjusted for
        # your printer. You may want to start with 280
        # and meassure the distance from nozzle to bed.
        # This value then needs to be added.
        position_endstop: 290
        arm_length: 266.7

        step_pin: PF6
        dir_pin: PF7
        enable_pin: !PF2
        microsteps: 16
        rotation_distance: 40
        endstop_pin: ^PJ0

        step_pin: PL3
        dir_pin: PL1
        enable_pin: !PK0
        microsteps: 16
        rotation_distance: 40
        endstop_pin: ^PD2

        step_pin: PA4
        dir_pin: PA6
        enable_pin: !PA2
        microsteps: 16
        rotation_distance: 35.165
        nozzle_diameter: 0.400
        filament_diameter: 1.750
        heater_pin: PB4
        sensor_type: ATC Semitec 104GT-2 #EPCOS 100K B57560G104F
        sensor_pin: PK5
        control: pid
        pid_Kp: 25.349
        pid_Ki: 1.216
        pid_Kd: 132.130
        min_extrude_temp: 180
        min_temp: 0
        max_temp: 275

        #if you want to use firmware retraction…
        #comment it with hashtags otherwise
        retract_length: 3.5
        retract_speed: 30
        #unretract_extra_length: 0.1
        unretract_speed: 30

        #TMC Driver settings

        [tmc2209 stepper_a]
        uart_pin: PG5
        run_current: .8
        hold_current: .4
        stealthchop_threshold: 250

        [tmc2209 stepper_b]
        uart_pin: PE3
        run_current: .8
        hold_current: .4
        stealthchop_threshold: 250

        [tmc2209 stepper_c]
        uart_pin: PH3
        run_current: .8
        hold_current: .4
        stealthchop_threshold: 250

        [tmc2209 extruder]
        uart_pin: PB5
        run_current: 0.95
        hold_current: .5
        stealthchop_threshold: 250

        heater_pin: PH5
        sensor_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F
        sensor_pin: PK6
        control: pid
        pid_Kp: 72.885
        pid_Ki: 1.376
        pid_Kd: 964.814
        min_temp: 0
        max_temp: 130

        pin: PH6
        kick_start_time: 0.200

        [heater_fan extruder_cooler_fan]
        pin: PL5
        heater: extruder
        heater_temp: 50.0
        fan_speed: 1.0

        [controller_fan my_controller_fan]
        pin: PH4
        max_power: 0.6
        kick_start_time: 0.2
        idle_timeout: 5
        heater: extruder

        serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_CP2102_USB_to_UART_Bridge_Controller_0001-if00-port0

        kinematics: delta
        max_velocity: 500
        max_accel: 3000
        max_z_velocity: 200
        #delta_radius: 130

        # if you want to DELTA_CALIBRATE you may need that
        minimum_z_position: -20

        radius: 115
        speed: 30
        horizontal_move_z: 20

        timeout: 360

        path: ~/gcode_files



        # “RepRapDiscount 2004 Smart Controller” type displays
        lcd_type: hd44780
        rs_pin: PH1
        e_pin: PH0
        d4_pin: PA1
        d5_pin: PA3
        d6_pin: PA5
        d7_pin: PA7
        encoder_pins: ^PC6, ^PC4
        click_pin: ^!PC2
        kill_pin: ^!PG0

        [gcode_macro START_PRINT]
        {% set BED_TEMP = params.first_layer_bed_temperature|default(60)|float %}
        {% set EXTRUDER_TEMP = params.first_layer_temperature|default(190)|float %}

        M140 S{BED_TEMP} ; set bed temp
        M104 S{EXTRUDER_TEMP} ; set extruder temp

        # Use absolute coordinates

        # Reset the G-Code Z offset (adjust Z offset if needed)
        SET_GCODE_OFFSET Z=0.25

        #BED_MESH_PROFILE LOAD=default

        # Move the nozzle near the bed
        G1 Z5 F3000

        # Move the nozzle very close to the bed
        G1 Z0.15 F300

        # Wait for bed to reach temperature
        M190 S{BED_TEMP}

        # Set and wait for nozzle to reach temperature
        M109 S{EXTRUDER_TEMP}

        G92 E0
        G1 E-4 F1200
        G1 E4 F1200
        G92 E0

        [gcode_macro END_PRINT]
        G92 E0
        G1 E-3 F600
        # Turn off bed, extruder, and fan
        M140 S0
        M104 S0
        M106 S0

        # Move nozzle away from print while retracting
        #G1 X-2 Y-2 E-3 F300

        # Raise nozzle by 10mm
        #G1 Z10 F3000

        #Home it

        # Disable steppers

        [gcode_macro PAUSE]
        rename_existing: BASE_PAUSE
        G1 E-{E} F2100
        G1 Z{Z}
        G1 X{X} Y{Y} F6000

        [gcode_macro RESUME]
        rename_existing: BASE_RESUME
        G1 E{E} F2100

        [gcode_macro CANCEL_PRINT]
        rename_existing: BASE_CANCEL_PRINT
        G92 E0
        G1 E-3 F600
        # Turn off bed, extruder, and fan
        M140 S0
        M104 S0
        M106 S0

        #Home it

        # Disable steppers


        # Home and Calibrating Macros

        [gcode_macro MacroHome]
        gcode: G28

        [gcode_macro MovTest]
        gcode: g28
        G1 Z-1000 F46000
        G1 Y+100 F46000
        G1 X+100 F46000
        G1 Y-200 F46000
        G1 X-200 F46000
        G1 Z+900 F46000
        G1 Z-900 F46000

        [gcode_macro DeltaCalibration]
        M104 S200 ; set extruder temp
        M140 S60 ; set bed temp
        M109 S200 ; wait for extruder tempG28
        M190 S60 ; wait for bed temp

        [gcode_macro BedMesh]
        M104 S200 ; set extruder temp
        M140 S60 ; set bed temp
        M109 S200 ; wait for extruder tempG28
        M190 S60 ; wait for bed temp

        [gcode_macro PIDEFanON200]
        gcode: G28
        G1 X0 Y0 Z2 F 3000
        PID_CALIBRATE HEATER=extruder TARGET=200

        # Nozzle Wipe Macro

        [gcode_macro WIPE]
        # Use absolute coordinates
        # Reset the G-Code Z offset (adjust Z offset if needed)
        #SET_GCODE_OFFSET Z=0.4
        # Home the printer
        # Wipe routine
        G1 X115 Y-50 Z0.2 F 6000

        G92 E0
        G4 P2000
        G1 E10 F100
        G1 Z0.2
        G4 P2000
        G1 E10 F100

        G1 X100 Y-45 Z0.2 F4000
        G1 X100 Y-35 Z0.2 F4000
        G1 X105 Y-40 Z0.2 F4000
        G1 X110 Y-40 Z0.2 F4000

        #*# DO NOT EDIT THIS BLOCK OR BELOW. The contents are auto-generated.
        #*# [printer]
        #*# delta_radius = 133.277155
        #*# [stepper_a]
        #*# angle = 210.546801
        #*# arm_length = 266.700000
        #*# position_endstop = 291.281523
        #*# [stepper_b]
        #*# angle = 329.589935
        #*# arm_length = 266.700000
        #*# position_endstop = 291.132459
        #*# [stepper_c]
        #*# angle = 90.000000
        #*# arm_length = 266.700000
        #*# position_endstop = 289.566831
        #*# [delta_calibrate]
        #*# height0 = 16.35
        #*# height0_pos = 21943.333,21943.333,21943.333
        #*# height1 = 16.35
        #*# height1_pos = 26987.000,26987.000,19124.000
        #*# height2 = 16.35
        #*# height2_pos = 21386.333,30171.667,21386.333
        #*# height3 = 16.35
        #*# height3_pos = 19342.000,26218.000,26218.000
        #*# height4 = 16.35
        #*# height4_pos = 21243.667,21243.667,27444.333
        #*# height5 = 16.35
        #*# height5_pos = 25434.000,19477.000,25434.000
        #*# height6 = 16.35
        #*# height6_pos = 28664.333,21267.333,21267.333

        1. You have the same config I used.
          There is an extra servo pin that you can use.
          Have a look at this picture:

          And try to use the last servo port.
          Table 1 shows you (D – Digital) ports.

          After that…
          Take a look at ATMEGA pinout for the correct syntax:

          For example:
          D4 from servo port is PG5…

          1. If i understood this correctly. I took the wire from the Extruder 2209 disconnected from D12, Put it on D11. In the config Changed PB6 to PB5. Saved and Rebooted. I Homed all, that worked. Extruder does nothing and no error. in Terminal View Shows Gcode M105 and then recv: ok. I made sure wires are good etc.. I also Tried Putting the Wire on D50 Pin in the (ISP) and Changed the syntax to PB3. Did not work either. wasn’t sure how to disable SD Support though. If i understood this correctly. I took the wire from the Extruder 2209 disconnected from D12, Put it on D11. In the config Changed PB6 to PB5. Saved and Rebooted. I Homed all, that worked. Extruder does nothing. I made sure wires are good etc.. I also Tried Putting the Wire on D50 Pin in the (ISP) and Changed the syntax to PB3. Did not work either. wasn’t sure how to disable SD Support though. Should I start over and Re-flash the Firmrware with Putty? or something else. did this board go bad because I tried to install fluid and then back to OctoPrint? should i get another board? if so what one? then id need help putting firmware on it also.

          2. Since I cant figure out how to fix this. I have a Duet WiFi board and screen I purchased several years ago. Still new in the packaging Filastruder sent me. I will Try and get it wired in and go from there.

  4. trying again as i see you have an updated config file. i will let you know if i have any other issues.

  5. Lukas,
    I followed your Klipper Guides a few years ago and installed Octoklipper on my Anycubic Kossel Linear Plus with the Trigorilla and TMC2209 with UART. I moved and its been a while, Just set it up to start making some prints. was looking threw your guides and seen you recommended fluid. I followed that guid and had fluid on the Rasberry Pi but the screen on the printer did not boot anymore. Couldn’t figure it out so I put OctoPrint/OctoKlipper back on the Pi. Same thing printer does not boot or load up. when I select Connect i get an error Option ‘rotation_distance’ in section ‘stepper_a’ must be specified I am using your printer.cfg file

    Klipper: Standby
    Klipper: Connecting …
    Klipper: Connected to host
    Connected to host via /tmp/printer @0bps
    Option ‘rotation_distance’ in section ‘stepper_a’ must be specified
    Option ‘rotation_distance’ in section ‘stepper_a’ must be specified

    Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the “RESTART”
    command to reload the config and restart the host software.
    Printer is halted
    Option ‘rotation_distance’ in section ‘stepper_a’ must be specified
    Klipper: Disconnected from host

    I hope you can help me with this as i am exhausted trying to figure this out. probably went threw all these steps 4 times.

  6. Hi sir,

    After doing the tutorial, which by the way all the others went smoothly this one I have a problem because when I Flash the printer goes blank.

    Greetings and thanks in advance

    1. Hi Eric,
      This is the first time I hear about this kind of issue.
      Is the screen blank?
      Are you able to connect to the printer with your browser?

      1. Hi Lukas,
        After running the command “make flash FLASH_DEVICE=/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_CP2102_USB_to_UART_Bridge_Controller_0001-if00-port0” it does everything right in the console, in theory once the firware loading is done it should reboot but it doesn’t, I wait a while and reboot the printer manually and that’s when the screen goes blank. It becomes inaccessible.

        I have to install Marlin again to get it to work.

        The electronics of the printer is original the only thing I have changed has been the bed and Dual Drive Extruder.

        Everything else is original.

          1. Hi Lukas,

            All solved, after doing everything again from reinstalling Octoprint there is the installation of Klipper in your tutorial did not work, the problem was the configuration file.

            After checking the log files of klipper

            It gives this error:
            Error: Pin ‘analog14’ is not a valid pin name on mcu ‘mcu’.
            Pin ‘analog14’ is not a valid pin name on mcu ‘mcu’

            In heater_bed you have to change to sensor_pin: PK6

            And you are done

            I hope it helps someone.

  7. I’m getting are error when trying to do the make flash command:
    make flash FLASH_DEVICE=/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_CP2102_USB_to_UART_Bridge_Controller_0001-if00-port0


    Compiling out/src/i2ccmds.o
    src/i2ccmds.c:14:23: error: field ‘i2c_config’ has incomplete type
    struct i2c_config i2c_config;
    src/i2ccmds.c: In function ‘command_config_i2c’:
    src/i2ccmds.c:23:23: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘i2c_setup’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
    i2c->i2c_config = i2c_setup(args[1], args[2], addr);
    src/i2ccmds.c: In function ‘command_i2c_write’:
    src/i2ccmds.c:35:5: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘i2c_write’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
    i2c_write(i2c->i2c_config, data_len, data);
    src/i2ccmds.c: In function ‘command_i2c_read’:
    src/i2ccmds.c:48:5: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘i2c_read’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
    i2c_read(i2c->i2c_config, reg_len, reg, data_len, data);

    Any idea?

  8. Hi Lukas, im runnung a skr 1.3 board with TMC2209.
    after entering “ls /dev/serial/by-id/*” i get “/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_lpc1768_0160001247104AAFF2FE645DC72000F5-if00”
    it seems that the usb port is not recognized.
    do you have any idea what the problem could be?

  9. Installed Octoprint and Klipper on my Kossel Linear Plus…
    The print quality is awesome also with the stock hot-end and no reinforcement and so on.
    Thank you very much for your guides

  10. When I run “make” I got an error and run “make clean” and run “make” again but got different lines than the ones you are showing.
    Then when running “make flash..” it’s timing out .
    I tried multiple time without success
    I have the Trigorilla stock board and downloaded your printer.cfg for it.

  11. If running

    make flash FLASH_DEVICE=/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_CP2102_USB_to_UART_Bridge_Controller_0001-if00-port0

    fails, try running it a second time! It failed for me the first time with timeouts.

  12. If you get

    Compiling out/src/i2ccmds.o
    src/i2ccmds.c:14:23: error: field ‘i2c_config’ has incomplete type
    struct i2c_config i2c_config;

    run make clean, and then make again.

  13. Thank you for your great tutorial(s). They have been a great help.
    Maybe you could add some information about the settings in octoprint -after- a done the klipper firmware update. My printer was unreachable and i fixed it with the right [MCU] value in my config.
    Take a look here: —> “Configuring OctoPrint to use Klipper”; “Configuring Klipper”

    1. Hi, thank you for your feedback, I really appriciate it.
      I have installed a long time ago, but you are right, this should be also mentioned, I will add 🙂

  14. i cant connect my raspi(octoprint/klipper) to trigorilla board… it’s say connection timeout.. how to fixit?

    1. Some more info?
      Is the Trigorilla on, is the PSU on?
      How did you connect it… in which step did his happen?

      More info…

  15. This build and updates has been a great learning tool for me. I’ve done some mods and upgrades to other printers but this one has taught me the most methods versus the just get it done style. I appreciate you.

    I do have one question that keeps holding me on what I think is the next step. On the klipper config – the part where you say “A weird looking window will appear.
    Now it is the time to select your board.”

    The first option, do I TICK(x) that option, this gives me the board speeds and baud I believe, if I do not tick that option, I no longer get a configuration SAVE option. I can tick (select it) or then remove to get the save option but i just wanted to be clear. I also get options to use GPIO etc in that area.


  16. Dobrý den, po pokusu o instalaci klipperu se octoprint nedokaže připojit k tiskárně. Tiskárna zamrzla a zobrazuje jen bílé bloky, nejde ani připojit k pc. proste naprosto zamrzla. Nevím si rady s nápravou. Prosím tedy o pomoc.

    1. You have probably choosen incorrect usb port.
      Does it connect via Octoprint?
      Did you try to reboot Raspberry and Kossel at the same time?

      1. Yes, all this I did. In the end I managed everything else on FW goods. I will study everything and try again. In the last phase before I lost my nerves, I got so far that octoprint only voted the wrong probe configuration (9.9). Just starting out so not everything is clear to me. but thanks to your site.

        1. I will have to do some modification on that SKR file.
          You just need to modify probe count from 9 to 5 and it should be OK.

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